Yes! God still speaks, most of the time we just aren’t taking the time to listen. Or we expect Him to speak one specific way and are blinded to the many other ( and often times very creative) ways He is speaking.

The confirmations and signs in your story are amazing and give me even more hope for God to confirm more of the direction and prophesies in my own life.

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"Be still and know that I am God."

It took me a long to time to find the place where I was still enough inside to listen to his voice.

Sometimes, His voice is obvious with clear direction. There are still times when I wonder if I am really hearing from the One who created me? Or... am I just making all of this up? Time will tell.

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Yeah I know I exactly what that is like!

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How amazing, my brother! I can’t wait to hear more about your adventures—I know God has a plan for you there.

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Indeed. New adventures everyday!

Harrison, you may not realize the incredible influence you had on me during a pivotal time in my life when traveling through Nepal. I look back on that trip (when I was clearly on a different path) and you and Anju were so kind and gracious. I'm Gr8ful.

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Oh, wow! Thanks for letting us know, cousin. I just shared that with Anju. How encouraging for us! 😃

But It’s all due to the grace of God! I see His hand at work in us even being there at the same time.

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