The Sun will Rise in the West over Africa!
A prophetic word revealing the timing of The Gambia's shift...
On Sunday, December 24, I was asked to share a word with the entire congregation at Truth Gospel Ministries. I had given the same word privately to the TGM pastor the previous week. What gets revealed publicly is a critical timing element that will become undeniable proof for the coming transformation that God is bringing to Western Africa.
God is using the smallest nation in Africa (The Gambia) to transform a continent!
The entire Gambian coastline faces west and has incredible sunsets! (i.e. not sunrises)
So, on December 23 (the day before sharing this word), when the beach bar next to my Guesthouse was being christened with the most unlikely of names, I took notice!
“The Son will rise in the West over Africa!”
UPDATE: Read this post to see how a later vision of three clear cards provides a “clear” interpretation for the above word…