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Curious about Burning Man?

It's that time of year again.

Burning Man is an annual event held in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada, where close to 80,000 seekers gather to create a temporary, vibrant city centered around art, community, and self-expression.

Double Rainbow from 2023

Welcome Home

I was first called to the desert of Black Rock City two years ago. Four from Austin joined the epic overland adventure, hauling an oversized circus tent cross country in the back of a wobbly trailer.

2022 - Whiteout

Last year, I did not intend on going. Two weeks prior to departure, however, I was given a series of dreams. I shared those dreams publicly, and headed into the desert carrying one word: FEARLESS.

2022 was HOT.
2023 was WET.
What about 2024?

Don’t Despise the Dust

Embarking on an adventure into the dust of Black Rock Desert is no small endeavor. It takes months of logistics and planning, not to mention relentless prayer covering as we are going into a hotbed of debauchery.

Not all of the stories are true. Most are probably wilder than you can even imagine. Sure, there are drugs, and nakedness, and art, and drunken naked art.

2023 - Note the 11/11 imagery as they burned the Tower of Babel

Burning Man is a microcosm of modern Babylon. Don’t get me wrong; not all that attend are evil. I’ve met plenty of lost souls on the Playa that showed up to get sober; many are on some form of a cosmic healing journey. In fact, that’s a common theme.

2023 - The Temple

Moreover, there’s a small remnant that faithfully shows up each year on assignment to bring Light into the darkness.

2023 - Before leading a Full Moon Repentance Ceremony for First Nations

Each year, participants—referred to as "Burners"—construct elaborate art installations, host performances, and engage in creative workshops, all while adhering to the event's ten principles, which include radical inclusion, self-reliance, and communal effort.

Image by Suzette Allen

The event culminates in the burning of a large wooden effigy, known as "The Man."

Goggles are required. Clothes are not.

If you’ve heard anything about this temporary metropolis that pops up in the desert, you’ve likely heard about two things: the dust & the debauchery.

2023 - Near Center Camp

Both are a reality.

2023 - Art Installation Celebrating Female Genitalia

The notorious dust storms have the power to halt all activity while waiting for the blinding storm (called a “white out”) to pass.

2023 - Friends of a dear friend from Australia

Last year, the dust was interrupted at the end of the week with a rain storm that turned our adventure into a muddy mess.
(See the video above)

2023 - Our Muddy Camp

Expect the Unexpected

Why would anyone in their right mind want to attend such a harsh event?

2023 - No Dancing on the Dry Lake Bed

Never mind that it’s physically exhausting to setup camp, bringing all of our own infrastructure and supplies for an ultimate survival experience. This task alone takes days to setup and tear down.

Image by Suzette Allen

Our private space serves as a haven for our small team, including our own kitchen serving up three meals a day and a dedicated prayer tent that we call the Holy of Holies.

Image by Suzette Allen

Our gift to the community is the public side of our camp where we serve thousands and invite the community into an atmosphere of worship dedicated to the One True and Living God. The playa is filled with seekers looking for a spiritual experience and—for those that know Truth—there’s no high like the Most High.

Image by Suzette Allen

Words that Work

“Truth Ceremonies” begin by inviting the Spirit of Truth to speak directly to each individual. Open your heart to receive perfect Love. Breathe in the One that is Breath. No lying spirits are allowed. Only Truth.

2023 - A Sweet Soul

While in the midst of New Age ideologies, we have found that approaching this community using language that they can hear and receive, opens up the opportunity to receive Truth. Testimonies abound each year, and lives are forever changed.

Words That Work: A Language of Light for a World Living in Darkness

Some—mostly those who have not spent time in the trenches—have criticized this approach, telling me that I should boldly declare the name of Jesus. Firstly, if I’m going to boldly declare any name, it would be His actual name: Yeshua. Secondly, I am always amazed when seekers get this revelation on their own.

Image by Suzette Allen

Imagine sitting down with someone—in love—and meeting them where they’re at with language they can actually hear and internalize. I’ve had the honor of ministering to so many that have been traumatized by the church beating them over the head with name of Jesus. Imagine their surprise when the Spirit of Truth speaks directly to them directly and reveals Himself. This is powerful.

Testimonies Abound

My first year, one guy who was blasted had an encounter with the “Super Power” that showed up to him as perfect Light. That opened the door for this Hindu boy to learn about the God that is Light.

2023 - My Faithful Steed

Last year, one couple heard the Spirit of Truth call Himself the Almighty. Another heard the name Yahweh whispered to them. Yahweh then revealed that He had a son named Yeshua.

To me, this is absolutely incredible.

They will know us by our Love

Why show up in this dry and thirsty land? We bring Living Water.

2023 - Final cheers before departure

If those that are called into the midst of debauchery do not go, how else will this lost generation encounter Truth? The world is in a dark place. We bring Light.

2023 - A Particularly Dark Evening

Don’t go unless you’re called

Every time someone approaches me about the idea of Burning Man, I’ve share this exact thing: “Don’t go unless you’re called.”

The team that was called in 2023 - Image by Suzette Allen

I don’t go to the desert because its a fun party. It is that? Yes.

There is great joy in experiencing creativity unleashed, and I revel in the idea of these creatives coming to know their Creator and releasing His vision to the nations. …but I don’t go for the party. I go because I heard the Spirit of Truth speak to me and say “Go”.

Image by Suzette Allen

That is … until this year.

I had fully planned on attending the burn in 2024. After all, at the end of 2023 I purchased a twenty-foot state-of-the-art planetarium direct from Ukraine to be erected as a major piece of camp infrastructure. I fully intended on bringing Truth in the Stars as a gift to the community in 2024.

2023 - Anti-War Art Installation from Ukraine, made of tank parts

Several weeks ago, however, a series of events collided and I began to question whether or not I was called to return this year. On a prayer call with the team (we’ve been meeting weekly for several months) I expressed my concern, and we prayed that the answer would be made abundantly clear.

A Clear Answer

Honestly, I forgot about my prayer request as I went on about my day.

That evening, when I heard Abba ask me to open up YouTube and check in on a ministry I’ve followed sporadically for years, it did not even cross my mind that this could be the answer to my prayer.

That is, until two minutes into Steve Cioccolanti’s sermon when he shows footage from Supernova Music Festival and says, “Again, please, just don’t go to concerts.”

The words hit me like a ton of bricks. I was physically taken aback.

A Stark Reminder

For those unaware, the Supernova Sukkot Festival was the open-air music festival held in the desert near kibbutz Re’im in southwestern Israel near the Gaza border. On the morning of October 7—during the biblical holy day of Shemini Atzeret—, festival-goers were brutally massacred by Hamas; 364 were killed and 40 were taken hostage.

I asked for a clear answer. I don’t know that it could get any clearer.

Let me reiterate, I am not skipping the Burn out of fear. If anything, last year’s dream made it clear that believers are called to be FEARLESS at Burning Man when things go awry.

2023 - Sunrise on the Playa

My flesh fully intended to be in Black Rock City this year, so I sat with the disappointing news for an entire week before notifying our team that I would not be attending in 2024. As I prayed into it, I heard a few things:

  1. My assignment this year is to orchestrate a 24/7 prayer covering.

  2. The verses Abba gave me over our team this year is John 15:9-17.

  3. This year will be unlike any other.

We Need Your Support!

Given the series of world events that have taken place in the last year, preparation for the playa is especially important this year.

Here’s how you can help:

Partner Financially

Commit to Pray for One Hour

Financial Support

The team is still several thousand dollars short of our goal. If you would like to contribute financially, you can give here and put “BurningMan” in the comments.

Or, you can give directly via Venmo @MyUtmostHisHighest

Prayer Support

We have a power-packed team (who I’ve been meeting/praying with weekly for several months). Each member of the team is individually called for such a time as NOW.

Every team member has ten intercessors off-playa. Many of them have already signed up here, yet I’d like to see the entire week covered in prayer. You can select as many time slots as you like, but IF YOU’VE MADE IT ALL THE WAY THROUGH THIS POST, GRAB AT LEAST ONE SPOT.

Thank you!

I pray that the testimonies from my adventures will bless you and encourage you in your own faith walk. If you find the AL3XAND3R blog encouraging, please share with friends.


I’m Gr8ful.

Watchman on the Wall
So you, son of man, I have made a watchman for the house of Israel. Whenever you hear a word from My mouth, you shall give them warning from Me. -Ezekiel 33:7
For the Lord YHVH does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets. The LION has roared; who will not fear? The Lord YHVH has spoken; who can but prophesy? -Amos 3:7-8